~ Issues~
Texas Leadership
Public Safety First
We cannot live our lives or prosper if our streets are not safe. As a first responder, Jerry Ford supports our police who put their lives on the line to protect us. He will never throw law and order under the bus to score political points. Jerry Ford backs the blue all the way.
Common Sense Gun Safety Laws
Texas has suffered more mass shootings over the past decade than any other state. I will fight to:
- Raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21.
- Require Universal background checks for all firearm sales.
- Implement “Red Flag” laws to allow the temporary removal of firearms from those who are an imminent danger to themselves or others.
- Require a “cooling off” period for the purchase of a firearm; and
- Regulate civilian ownership of high capacity magazines.
Texas ranks 28th in state public school systems
As our next Representative, Jerry Ford will work to get politics out of our classrooms. As parents, securing the best education for our children is a top priority of mine.
Economic Prosperity not Inflation
As a business owner, Jerry Ford is best equipped to fix our economy. He knows that our nation is dangerously printing money to keep the economy rolling. Jerry Ford will implement sound economic free market policy that will grow our economy..
Secure Our Borders and Keep Texas Safe
Ronald Reagan once said “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” Jerry Ford agrees with Ronald Reagan. He will support ICE, building the wall, ending taxpayer benefits for illegals, and stopping the catch and release program.
Preserve Our Constitutional Rights
Our rights are non-negotiable. Jerry Ford will stop the whittling away of our rights. No one should be silenced or have their rights trampled. Jerry Ford will fight to preserve our Constitution rights. He is a firm believer in our first and second amendment rights.
Health Care
Access to affordable Healthcare is a concern with many of the people that I have spoken to. In America, healthcare should be a right, not a privilege. Affordable health insurance covering all pre-existing conditions—no matter who you are, is a right that all Americans should have. Our Representatives give billions of our tax dollars away every year to many countries who provides free healthcare for all their citizens.
As you know, health care is too expensive for many families and small businesses. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, Texas has one of the highest rates of uninsured people in the country; it is believed that one out of every four Texans continues to live without health insurance. With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, Texans still lack health insurance coverage, and many continue to face rising out-of-pocket costs. The best solution is to put Doctors and patients in control of their health care decision through tax credits and savings accounts. Therefore, making health care portable so people can keep their same Doctor and coverage when they move from job to job.
One of the keys to making health care more affordable lies with the competition, increasing competition and eliminating unnecessary overhead costs on the system.
Washington isn't broken; it's the career politicians and partisan fighting in Washington, with the sheer size and complexity of the problem, that has grid-locked Congress. Few new ideas are being discussed, and lawmakers keep placing band-aids on our problems instead of facing surgery.
I will fight to repeal bad health care legislation and also continue to work on ways to increase health care accessibility and affordability for all Americans.
Jerry Ford, believes that the U.S. has fallen behind in updates to our Infrastructure. Ford believes that the solution to this is affordable Trade Schools, which will provide the skills to our youth and provide thousands of jobs for our citizens.
By making wise use of physical barriers and deploying 21st-century technology, we can help our border patrol agents do their jobs and make our border more secure.
Texas needs to construct hundreds of miles of additional fencing along our Southern border;
I will fight for more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and lighting to help prevent people from entering our country illegally;
I will fight to authorize the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce our infrastructure at the border.
I’m for providing a path to permanent legal status for Dreamers, paired w/border security & immigration reforms.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Requires That We Enforce Our Immigration Laws Inside America.
It is against the law to knowingly hire illegal workers, so I will fight to step up worksite enforcement.
Many businesses want to obey the law but cannot verify the legal status of their employees because of the widespread problem of document fraud, so I will fight to create a better system for verifying documents and work eligibility.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Requires That We Reduce The Pressure On Our Border By Creating A Lawful Path For Foreign Workers To Enter Our Country Temporarily.
A temporary worker program would meet the needs of our economy, reduce the appeal of human smugglers, make it less likely that people would risk their lives to cross the border, and ease the financial burden on State and local governments by replacing illegal workers with lawful taxpayers. Above all, a temporary worker program would add to our security by ensuring we know who is in our country and why they are here.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Requires That We Face The Reality That Millions Of Illegal Immigrants Are Here Already.
I oppose amnesty for illegal residents but believe there is a rational middle ground between granting a path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant who files for citizenship and agrees to return to their country until their name is called and a program of mass deportation. Illegal immigrants who have roots in our country and want to stay should have to pay a meaningful penalty for breaking the law, pay their taxes, learn English, and wait in line behind those who played by the rules and followed the law.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Requires That We Honor The Great American Tradition Of The Melting Pot.
Americans are bound together by our shared ideals, an appreciation of our history, respect for the flag we fly, and the ability to speak and write English. Immigrants assimilate and advance in our society; they realize their dreams, renew our spirit,add to the unity of America.
America, like other sovereign nations, is a nation with a border. Our history has shown that societal trust is threatened when foreign citizens trespass en-masse into any country. Mass illegal immigration will lead to an expensive welfare system. America cannot afford expensive welfare to bail out illegal immigrates should they fail to provide for themselves and contribute to the country.
America’s legal immigration system should be curtailed to those that can contribute economically and have demonstrated respect for this country's rules of law by not trespassing across our border.
I Support our Men and Women in Blue
Police are vital in keeping Americans safe. Many officers are suffering from Post Traumatic Syndrome because of the stress of the job. While there are issues, I believe those problems can be addressed by implementing better policies and supporting our brave men and women with mental health services to protect themselves and the public.
I do not believe our men and women in blue are racist; from my experience working side by side with them for years, I think that some are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome due to the stress of the job caused by the bad Progressive Democratic Judges catch and release policies disguise as PR Bonds.
Energy Industry
Preserving the environment is very important to me. While it is vital to preserve our environment, we should not use drilling for oil and Fracking as an impetus to destroy the energy industry that hires thousands of hard-working Texans. President Biden canceled the construction of the Keystone XL, and Dakota Access oil pipelines which promote North American energy independence and allow the United States to extricate itself from the conflicts of the Middle East. I will fight for the construction of the Keystone pipeline; also, hydraulic fracking technology, because when used appropriately, it can provide more affordable oil and gas for Americans. Therefore I will fight any attempts to ban this practice on a national level.
Climate Change
I support increasing energy efficiency, modernizing the electric grid, investing in research to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and government help for cities and states to fight climate change.